It’s 3:15 PM. Boulder, CO 4/9/2023

Posted: April 9, 2023 in My Whirled

Sitting here with a book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, a pot of tea, afternoon spring sunshine welcomes me back to one of my old haunts, The Trident Cafe, west Pearl Street. One of the dying breed of coffee shop bookstores where the likes of Jack Keroack and such would hang out. Crazy bastards that they were. I .. miss Penny Lane – another coffee shop like this that hasn’t survived, also in Boulder. You may remember that place. East Perl Street, other end of the mall.

You should come here sometime. You’ll find cool people like me hanging out. I used to take first dates here -sort of a test, to see if they were on the same “page” as I was. OK, that was only a couple of girls. Hmm, OK, three. But I digress.

The world is already different from when I started writing this blog. New wars, new missions to the moon, global pandemic, and I have found that a lot of people no longer know how to use a keyboard, they’ve been tied to their phones so much they can only type with their thumbs.

Gen-X is quietly rising to power. We have been waiting for the boomers to get old, and now… well, you probably still ignore us, and we like it.

People, if you are reading this, please, please, take a minute to think about how you are going to keep this world something we can all love, before technology and hate and instant gratification make it hell. Its bad enough already, but it’s not yet doomed.

It’s Easter Sunday. Meh. I won’t go off about Christians and the weird rituals they go through, but it is a time for the traditional spring rituals of rebirth and fresh starts. Take a look around. Think about your fellow humans and the life that makes this place special.

It’s OK to get mad when you see something wrong. Don’t just still there and bitch about it to your friends – do something, ACT, let the world know you are part of it. Don’t fear change, be the change.

It’s hard not get political, because I am an American, and our politics is shit, BUT we have a huge amount of power, and it’s scary to think how people ignore this, and act in ways that the world looks at with a strange sort of disgust and envy.

So do something good. Stop the asshats and hatemongers who are fucking up our world.

Sometimes this will hurt. Sometimes you will lose, things and people, you may lose battles that need to be won, but don’t fucking hide. And don’t be afraid to kick some shit around and maybe upset people. Some of these people need some shit kicking, and if we stand by and let them shit all over our world, well, that is on US. But, dont be an asshole when doing it, that just feeds the evil more, they’ll use it to boost themselves in their war on the way things should be. Also, remember what peace and power there may be in silence. A rageful beast may be quieted by a calm and resolute look directly in the eye.

I keep forgetting how fast the sun sets here in the lee of the flatirons, I only have an hour or two more where I can sit out here before I get cold, and I forgot to bring a jacket.

Its 3:48 PM. Gonna sit and read for a bit, see what comes to me next…

OK, found a 1977 penny in the alley, That means it is almost solid copper. Hmmm

And a friend just chatted with me who I haven’t heard from in a while.

Hell with it, I’m publishing this.

Eric out.

  1. I’ve only just connected with you online, and I’m glad about that! I love your raw honesty, You go guy!

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